Pushing Yourself

by - February 24, 2018

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you really just have to push yourself more than others? Where certain things in your routine just seem more exhausting and tedious than normal? How about when you push through these tasks and get them done anyways, how do you feel then? I honestly just had one of these weeks with the gym. I just felt so tired by the end of my work days that quite honestly going to the gym and working out sounded like the most exhausting thing in the world. I know this has a lot to do with my hormones causing me to feel a lot more fatigued than I actually am, but I really felt it this week. I pushed through and honestly my workouts felt that much more satisfying when I completed them. That struggle this week inspired me to write about that in this blog post.

Everyone gets tired, run down, and just exhausted from everyday life. It really is human nature. Most of us live really busy lives between jobs, school, families, friends, and even projects like this blog on the side. It just comes with the package. Honestly some weeks this blog is so easy to update. The words usually just flow right out of me and I have no issues posting. Randomly, however, I have weeks where writer’s block gets the best of me and I really have to push through in order to stick to my posting schedule. Especially now that I am juggling two separate pages. I absolutely love it, but that means I am posting twice as often. I am embracing the challenge though since writing is something I absolutely love. But the bottom line is, it’s hard sometimes to push through your normal routines or new routines that you are trying to form into normal routines. Sometimes we just wake up tired and not really all that excited to carry these routines out.

I honestly think working out and the gym is a huge routine a lot of people struggle with. I did for a very long time myself. When I was first told by my friend I really should start doing three days a week instead of the two I started with, I was miserable but knew I needed to do it. I think that is the problem with a lot of people. They psych themselves out thinking they cannot handle something so much that they fully believe it. Look at all the people at the gym at the beginning of a new year. They make these awesome resolutions to start eating right and join the gym only to stop going less than a month into the new year. Look at people who always say they are going to join one and never do. The gym isn't always a person’s style of course. It took me years before I started going and didn’t feel like I was being stared at because I was heavier than most there. But there are plenty of ways to workout and get a healthy routine going without the gym. But gym or not a lot of people I think sell themselves short. So many people decide it is too hard and do not push through that first month so it can become a routine. Quite frankly a lot of people get lazy about it, for a very long time that included myself.

My main point in this post is to tell you to push through your doubts and to push through your fatigue. Life absolutely can run us down sometimes but try not to let that stop you. I came so close to blowing my workouts off all week this week but decided I would push through and get them done. Was I super tired once I finished them? Of course. Was I extremely proud I didn’t talk myself out of going? Absolutely! I have gone to the gym three days a week for a solid eight weeks now. Just seeing that in writing makes me overflow with pride. At this point it is just a routine now instead of a task. That was what pushed me to go regardless of my resistance this week. I didn’t want to ruin that record for nothing. I want to keep it up and keep that streak going. I am still going down in my weight bit by bit every single week. Sometimes the number isn’t going down as much as I was expecting, but it is still down and it is still an improvement. Down is much better than up. As i have said before it is more about how I feel, not a number on the scale. I feel so much healthier because I pushed through my doubts and continue to do so.

Push through your doubts. Push through your worries. Push through your pain and get the job done. Of course, if you genuinely feel you should not do something for health reasons, do not do that. That is an entirely different story. If you are just second guessing your capabilities though, push through that to find a better you. That goes for anything in life you may come across. Push through and get it done!

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