Getting Healthy on a Budget

by - July 21, 2019

I set out to write today's post with an entirely different idea in mind. A lot of the time when I do anything that leaves me in one place for an extended amount of time I will listen to YouTube videos. Cooking, doing my makeup, even writing sometimes are all good examples. I have been following and listening to a number of fitness channels lately which I am sure is not too surprising to hear. Most of them (especially the ones I choose to follow and watch on a frequent basis) give some very solid advice. A lot of it is about working out and nutrition of course. I honestly love listening to some perspectives on these topics, and it really does give me and help me keep my motivation.

There is one small problem I have with them though, and that was what I wanted to get into with my post today. With advice comes a lot of suggestions. One of the biggest things I have noticed most fitness influencers is that a good number of their advice equates to spending money. Now I understand that these things are in a sense going to come hand in hand. It is a pretty known fact that a healthier alternative on a fast-food menu is going to be a few dollars more than that cheeseburger on the one-dollar menu. That is just one very broad example, though. I am more so talking about the advice that suggests buying all these expensive foods and fitness programs. A lot of these are not exactly reasonable for the average person to add into their daily list of expenses. I know personally that you really don't have to spend a lot of money to lose weight. When I lost weight the first time, I was working a part-time minimum wage job while going to school full time. I can promise you I wasn't spending the money I am now on a personal trainer back then. I wasn't buying any fancy green teas or acai puree to put into my smoothies. I know that it can be done with a lower budget and wanted to share some experiences and suggestions on just that today.

Let's start with food/nutrition. This is the biggest aspect of losing weight as we all (should) know. Trust me if my diet was as on point as it needs to be I would likely be at my goal weight and I am far from it right now. You truly can't out-exercise a bad or even just lacking diet! Now, I am by no means a nutritionist or doctor so of course, but it is a pretty known and basic fact that weight loss means you are burning more calories than you are taking in. So while I would suggest you make healthier options for a nutrition stand point, you will lose weight by just staying under a calorie goal. Do not take that as a pass to eat an entire gallon of ice cream since it technically fits under you calories though! It just makes logical sense to pick lower calorie foods like fruits and vegetables since you can eat so much more of them and they are giving you some nutritional value. However, a lot of these influencers talk about buying grass-fed beef and organic produce all the time and I think that is just not reasonable for the average person. Would I love to be able to buy the very best options all the time for my diet? Absolutely, but I am on a budget as well. Just make smart choices. Just as an example I have been making avocado toast as a quick healthy dinner after my weeknight workouts. Three simple ingredients, healthy fats, carbs, and proteins. I buy the avocados in a bulk bag as well, which is more cost effective making this total meal (2 pieces of bread, 1 whole avocado, 2 eggs) just around $2.00 per meal. There are plenty of ways to eat healthier foods and lose weight on a budget. You definitely do not need to buy all of the fancy organic options some of these influencers talk about. 

The other biggest topic is, of course, exercise. Now I choose not to follow too many of the YouTube channels where the influencer is really just subtly trying to sell fitness programs. A lot of them do talk about the gym or joining fancy classes. As you know, I do in fact spend a portion of money between a gym membership and personalized training programs and sessions with a personal trainer. I know, however, that this isn't realistic for everyone. Back when I lost weight in college I didn't join a gym for months. I worked out from home, and I think that is more than doable for the average person. You can essentially do anything from home except for anything that requires weights and fancy equipment. Would I be able to do the types of workout my trainer writes for me at home? No but that does not mean you can't have results anywhere but a gym. You do not need to buy some fancy trainer's personalized training programs or meal plans. All you need to do is get up and get your body moving. That could simply mean going for a walk, and you increase the total distance over time. That could also mean finding free programs or videos online. There are honestly a ton and a little bit of everything out there. Chances are if you do some research, you will find something you love. Pinterest and YouTube are great places to start! You also can spend a little money on things to use at home. This book, Body by You by Mark Lauren was recommended to me and I did a number of workouts from it. I also use this Weight Watchers yoga DVD frequently, and I purchased these resistance bands (which also included a workout in them) a while back as well. All of these are great examples of tools you can purchase one time for around $15 and get your exercise in with. Just find something that works for you and you can stick to!

Overall my point is just that you do not need to spend a ton of money to lose weight and get healthy. Here are my tips to lose weight on a budget:

  1. Make better choices with your food. 
  2. Buy in bulk when you can! Even fresh produce can be bought in bulk. You can buy fruit and freeze it to use at a later date. Buy avocados when they are rock hard so they will ripen overtime for you to use. Even things like eggs typically keep in the fridge for a little while. Canned foods such as beans will go pretty far too. Find ways to get a bigger bang for your buck.
  3. DRINK! WATER! I know I say this more times than I can count. Water is (basically) free! If you can buy a filter for your tap, do that and use a refillable bottle! There is really no reason to be drinking calories anyways.
  4. Find a workout program or activity that suits both your physical and financial needs.
  5. Stay consistent! Eat fewer calories than you burn and stay active!

You can 100% lose weight and be healthier without spending a ton of money. Sure it is nice when your budget allows you to purchase things like personal training sessions, higher-quality foods, and even just having a gym membership, but if you have the drive and dedication you will be able to do it all on your own!

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