Embracing Your Evolution

by - October 20, 2019

I think it is safe to say that we as humans are always changing. Take a second and think about the person you were five years ago. I can say I am a completely different person from then in the best ways. I am guessing you can say the same. Since we are always changing, that gives us plenty of opportunity to change for the better. Maybe we have a bad habit we would like to break. Maybe we have new better habits we would like to form. There are plenty of small changes we can make to improve ourselves in the future.

Let's start small here. What is one small thing about your life you would like to improve? I can give the perfect example from my life. A few years ago after it was recommended to me, I decided to purchase a book to help me improve my handwriting. I wish I had a picture I could put up of my book but I have unfortunately misplaced it since. My handwriting now, although it is by no means perfect, is so much nicer and legible now. At work I am usually responsible for addressing letters and have even been asked to fill out envelopes for personal mail going out because my handwriting is so nice and neat. If you are interested in the same book you can purchase it here. Although small, making this little change helped me improve myself. I am sure there are plenty of ways you can improve yourself. 

Another pretty big way we can change is the way we handle stress. If any of you reading this knew me as a teenager you would know I was someone who did not handle stress well at all. I used to just let it fester in my mind sometimes to the point where it would make me sick to my stomach.Thankfully I got past that. I now deal with stress a lot better than I ever did back then. This past week at work was a pretty big test of that. I decided to take Monday off so as expected Tuesday was a very long day. I had a lot of catching up to do, ended up staying a half out late, and was even sent the wrong type of computer to replace my current one. With a little help from my bosses, I was able to get through that. The work got done, and when I left work I also left any stress it was causing me behind. If stress is an issue for you, there are plenty of ways to get past it. Meditation, exercise, yoga, really anything to get your mind distracted and put a little more at ease.

I mentioned habits at the beginning of this post, and I think those are probably the biggest area of change in our lives. If we have bad habits, we need to break them and sometimes replace them with better ones. I used to bite my nails constantly. That was a pretty gross bad habit to be in, and one day I just decided it needed to stop so I did. Making poor food choices is also a pretty bad habit I think a lot of us deal with. Although I have improved my eating habits immensely through the years I am still not perfect. I still have quite the sweet tooth, and I love to snack. I try to combat this by making healthier snack options available to me and to cut back on sugar where I can. If I tried to eliminate these things all together, it would only set me up to fail even harder. Another great way to help with that is exercise. I know I typically make better food choices when I work out because I don't want to ruin the progress I made at the gym. Sure sometimes that goes the opposite way, and I indulge because I know I burned calories from my workout, but overall it tends to help. Try and break the cycle of your bad habits with new and good habits.

Overall we are constantly evolving throughout our entire lives. I only mentioned some of the ways that are more prominent in my life, but there are so many more. I want to encourage you to sit and think about the changes you've made in your life. Think about how far you have come. Think about the people in your life and the changes that have come for them as well. If you are truly making positive changes, most aspects of your life are going to improve from those seemingly small changes. If you change your bad habits into healthier ones you are pretty likely adding years onto your life. If you are dealing with stress better than you did in the past you are probably ensuring more efficiency in your life in the future as well. Even such a small act of improving my handwriting helped me have a little more confidence in my work. All of these small changes mold us into whom we are truly meant to be. Embrace the evolution of you.

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