Living the Perfect Life

by - October 06, 2019

Don't let the title fool you. I did not bring you here to explain to you the big secret to make your life run smoothly all the time. I don't have and tips and tricks to truly live a perfect life. The truth is we all know the perfection is just a dream. You can practice as much as you want but it is basically impossible to prevent things from going wrong fully in your life. Sure you can take actions to plan out your life and your future but you never know when your car will break down or you get sick preventing you from working for a few weeks. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns around every corner. What is important to remember in my opinion is that your life is going exactly as it should be.

I was randomly thinking about pain the other day. That sounds a little morbid so let me explain. I was more specifically thinking about why our bodies feel physical pain. If something is going wrong with our body, for example, you cut yourself chopping vegetables, pain is your body's emergency alert system. I can think of a few different times that I had dental work done, was still numb from the novocain and unknowingly bit my tongue or inside of my cheek. That emergency alert system was down and the result was a big sore in my mouth for a few days. Although pain is something none of us like to feel it in a sense is essential to life. Our bodies are created/made to function exactly as they need to for us to keep on living with a few exceptions of course. I would say emotional pain is similar to. We learn from those emotions and grow.

If you are in a tough spot or just overall unhappy right now what if I told you that was happening for a reason. Trust me I know when you are going through a traumatic event the last piece of advice you want to hear is "everything happens for a reason!" I am a firm believe in that as I have said on multiple occasions before, but when you are overly emotional those words typically lead to anger. Our lives are shaped in a specific way and usually those experiences lead to better things. It is our strength (as I mentioned last week) that helps us see that through. Take the example I use time and time again in my posts. When I lost my job years ago I was angry and scared. Now because of that I am working a much better job I genuinely love, I am able to afford personal training sessions, I am on the road to finally having my own place in the Spring, along with so many future plans I never dreamed I would be making. One huge stab of emotional pain led me to so much happiness.

So what am I yapping about in my post here you may be wondering? Have you ever considered that your life is going perfectly from start to finish? Sure when you lose your job like I did or you have a huge unexpected expense pop up your life feels far from perfect but don't those experiences mold us into whom we are in this very moment? I have always said I am a pretty firm believe in fate. That our lives are mapped out from the moment we are born, but I also believe we have the power to change that. On the map our path is planned out on there is one solid line from start to finish but then many other lines that can create a brand-new path. Whatever you believe as far as fate goes I think it is safe to say we are right here in this moment together. You life is going exactly as it is meant to right now.

No perfection is not possible, unfortunately. As I have said before, think of how boring life would be if everything always went exactly right all the time. I always recall the family vacation we took when I was a kid and our car broke down at a rest stop on the way home. Of course that was not fun in the slightest back then. We were at that rest stop for hours, but it's a memory I remember pretty clearly. If plans always went perfectly, we wouldn't have stories like that to tell about times that weren't so funny when they happened but we remember with a smile now. The best thing to remember is you got through them. You were impacted by them. You are living the perfect life because it's the life you were meant to have. Your life is perfectly imperfect.

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