
by - November 03, 2019

Life is unpredictable. I think we all can think of times in our lives that have just been dropped on us that we are unprepared for. Maybe it is a problem with your car that leads to an expensive repair. Another example would be the loss of a job. I am pretty sure we have all had this happen at least once or twice. Of course there is absolutely nothing we can do to prepare for these events head on except possibly having small precautions in place (such as an emergency savings fund). What about the things we can prepare for? A lot of our lives can be predictable if we take a little time to prepare for them. Today I wanted to talk about just that.

Let's talk about the most present topic in my page here, our health. I know there are a lot of things to do with our health that really there is no set prevention for. I would say there are for more that can be prevented. I am no doctor of course so do not take any of this as medical advice. I would say the biggest example I can think of is one I have personally. I am very overweight as you all know. Despite my weight I am actually very healthy. I have great endurance at the gym. My blood pressure is at a decent range as well. I check my blood sugar levels and they are normal as well. Being at the weight I am, however, is like playing with fire. My family as a pretty prominent history of diabetes. Just because I am healthy now, does not mean I am going to stay that way. I do have the power to try and prevent diabetes. That is exactly why I continue to work on my health. I am not perfect as I have also said many times, but I want to encourage you to prevent as many health issues that you have the power to as well.

To go off of my introduction to this post a bit, what about financial situations? While no, you cannot always be fully prepared for things that will suddenly come up, you can do your best to try. An emergency fund is a great way to go or even just making sure your bank account always has over a certain amount. That way if you do have a sudden expense pop up you wont be eating ramen noodles for the next 6 weeks while your bank account replenishes. I personally have been working hard to prepare myself to finally move into my own place in the spring. Could I have moved out before then? Yes, but I wanted to make sure I was not only prepared with the furniture and household items, but with a good amount of money saved up as well. It truly never hurts to set aside some funds for yourself just for that extra security.

There are, of course, plenty of examples of ways you can prepare yourself in life but I also want to suggest that is not the only thing you ever focus on. Just because I am doing my best to save my money and buy things, I only need at this point does not mean I do not stray from that sometimes. Just this week I was debating getting a fully makeup collection from the crazy collection that dropped on Friday (if you know anything about me at this point, you'll know exactly what makeup I mean 😉). I was talking to my friend (shameless shoutout to Nicole) and she said I had been doing so well with saving and preparing to move out that I should treat myself. I didn't end up getting it all, but instead I treated myself to more than I planned on, and I don't feel guilty about it. Treat yourself as well just remember it is a treat, not an entire dessert buffet. Here and there is fine, but if you do it too often it takes away from your goals. The same can be said with diet and exercise as well as I always say. Stray for a bit if you need but get right back on track as soon as possible.

Overall I think it is incredibly smart to prepare for everything we can in life. I know I personally find anything unpredictable incredibly stressful. So why not plan ahead? Put some money aside for specific plans. Start taking a multivitamin and drinking a lot more water than you usually do. Go to the gym an extra day than you are going right now. The most predictable thing about life is that it is highly unpredictable, and these sorts of preparations will only make sure you pave a bit better of a path when the road you are walking on starts to get rocky. If you decide to start putting things into place now for a smoother life in the future, you will absolutely thank yourself for it.

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