Don't Worry, Press On

by - March 08, 2020

I have done my fair share of worrying in my life. Back when I was a teenager I found it all too easy to think about the what ifs, all the obstacles that the future may hold, every little test or project coming up in school. I was just talking about this with my personal trainer at my last session actually. How I really don't know how I managed to get through high school without getting a stomach ulcer from the way I used to stress out over things. I have to say I am pretty glad I broke out of that cycle. Today I want to talk to you about why you should stop worrying and just let yourself be happy.

Take a moment and think about what kinds of things make you worry. Maybe you are in school and an upcoming test or presentation is making you nervous. That was a pretty big one for me. Maybe you are behind at work and nervous about what your boss may say to you about it. Maybe a big change is coming up in your life such as a wedding, new baby, purchasing a new home, etc. I try not to get too into current events on my page here (as I like it to be an escape from all of that) but maybe you are somewhat freaking out about this virus that is spreading and covered all over the news. I can say the lack of hand sanitizer anywhere is showing just how worried some people are about that. It is human nature to worry in general, but what good does worrying actually do?

Most of the things we worry about are all things that are mainly out of our control. We very well may be exposed to this virus, that test we are worried about is very much going to still happen whether we want to take it or not, a new baby is not going to stay in the womb because their parents are nervous about their arrival. We can never stop these things, but we surely can do our best to prepare. All of the websites and articles are telling people to wash their hands, wipe down surfaces, and to not touch your face. All things we should already be doing, but it is smart to take extra care in these things to prevent ourselves from getting the virus. If a test is coming up then study as much as possible so you are fully prepared. Make sure you have all the supplies needed for when that new baby arrives. Of course with that example, nothing is going to fully prepare you to have a new baby at home, but you will learn as you go. When worry sets in the best possible chance you can give yourself is to prepare!

I think a lot of us are guilty of worrying about the past as well. I would say every single one of you reading this post has worried about something in the past. Maybe your life isn't quite where you thought it would be at this point, honestly who's life truly is 100% what they wanted it to be? I would think it would be safe to say no one. Instead of worrying about the past, which cannot be changed, look to the future. Beating yourself up about the fact that you do not have the dream job you always wanted, you are single and were hoping to be married by your age, anything you thought would be different at this point in your life, is going to do nothing but keep you miserable. Instead, I would think of one thing you have planned for the future you are looking forward to. Maybe a road trip with your friends (I'm looking at you Kristin and Gina.) , maybe you are studying to embark on a new career path, maybe you are moving somewhere entirely different than where you are used to, or even a much smaller change such as a new haircut. Focus on the positives in your life and coming into you life rather than worrying about the things you cannot change.

So what does worrying do for us? Absolutely nothing. No matter what you believe in, I think it is safe to say that life is going to happen no matter how much stress you put yourself under. I personally believe that we do have our fates laid out in front of us as a road to walk along, however, I truly believe that road is not a straight single line. We come across new paths, forks in the road, bumps in the road, and many opportunities where our path meets someone else's along the way. Sometimes the strangers we meet along the way come with us, sometimes we leave them behind. Sometimes we trip over a crack in the road, other times a thick fog sets in causing us to stop progressing. The most important thing to remember is not to worry about that. If we leave someone behind on our path, it just means they were not meant to continue walking with us. If the fog sets in, it only means we can rest until it lifts and we can continue on again. Never worry about the fog. Never worry about the ones we leave behind. Look forward, press on, and be happy.

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