Keeping Up With Your Routine

by - March 22, 2020

I think the world can use a whole lot of positivity right now. Like many others I started working from home this week because of COVID-19. So far the transition has gone overall pretty smoothly. I moved what I could home and am working as normally as possible from my little desk in my bedroom. Which means I am currently typing this blog in my bed because my desk space has become occupied. No biggie though and being covered in my weighted blanket is an extra plus! So if you are like me, your routine was flipped upside down in the last week or so. So what should we do in this case? I know it is hard to keep positive right now. I myself have been doing my fair share of worrying and overthinking, but that just means we need to be positive more now than we ever have before. So if you are practicing social distancing right now, you came to the right post.

So I figured I would share how my week went and the emotions I have been feeling. Things escalated pretty quickly for me this week. I went from receiving a work email on Sunday saying our office would remain open to packing up my things and leaving mid-day Tuesday to start working from home indefinitely. I am sure I am not alone in saying my emotions have been all over the place. My bedroom looks like a tornado went through because I had to take everything out of my desk and make room for my work station. The grocery stores are better, but certain items are still in scarce supply as well as the feeling of uncertainty that lingers in the air because of this virus being in the area. Overall things just feel heavy right now. I am sure many can relate to the annoyance of your routine being flipped upside down. I went from having a steady gym schedule, social life, work life, etc. to being able to do nothing. Do not mistake my words though, I 100% am behind all of the measures that are in place right now. That doesn't mean being unable to continue on with my everyday life isn't something that is effecting me.

If you are in a similar place to me then let me offer a little advice in this post. As I said I think remaining positive is what we all need right now. So if you are like me and have had your routine completely flipped upside down I want to offer you as much positive advice as possible. If you are like me you most likely spent your first couple of days working from home doing things you might not be doing at work. Now I don't mean anything crazy by this (if you were thinking something naughty get your mind out of the gutter 😉) what I do mean if working in your pajamas, not showering or brushing your teeth until later in the day, having extra snacks throughout the day, etc. It is so easy to do these things and I cannot promise I wont from time to time but I think it will be in your best interest to limit these things. Get up and dressed like you normally would for work. I am not saying dress up in a suit or dress like you would for an office job, go ahead and put on a t-shirt and yoga pants, but just make sure you change out of your pajamas (and ladies I am looking at you, put on a bra). Maybe instead of sleeping in too late you can wake up with enough time to enjoy your coffee and a nice breakfast. Just make a conscious effort to keep as much normalcy in your life during this situation that is anything but normal.

There are plenty of other ways to at least attempt to keep up with your normal routine. If your gyms are closed like they are around here do your best to still keep up with a workout routine. I am lucky enough to still have a personal trainer right now who contacted me and is going to be sending me 2-3 at home workouts a week. On the other days I can always take a walk (as long as the weather permits and I am staying away from other people of course) do some yoga or plenty of other ways to stay active. Will I be able to leg press 430 lbs again right when I am able to get back to the gym? Most likely no, but that doesn't mean I have to lose too much progress in between. There are plenty of apps that are offering specials right now for people stuck at home as well. I know the Peloton app is free for 90 days right now. If you are a member of a gym, I know most of them have online workouts available to members as well. If you want to stay active during this time, you will. Being stuck at home is not an excuse. The same (mostly) goes for your diet. Now I will admit I am a stress eater, so I didn't make the best choices this week. I look forward to changing that this week, though. Will I be able to meal prep the way I usually do? No, not really because of the limited amount of food in the stores but I can do my best with what I have. Make do with what you can right now. That is the most important thing!

We are living in an uncertain time. Just a few weeks ago I planned my first road trip with my friends and now we are not sure how things are going to be when we are booked to go. I have no idea when I will be able to go back to the office, see my friends, go to the gym, eat at a restaurant, etc. but I personally think this is all necessary and for the greater good. Just because all of this is going on does not mean you need to completely give up every ounce of normalcy in your life. Make do with what you have. We have to keep living. We have to, more importantly, do our part to flatten the curve with this virus. We need to stay at our homes. We need to think about others, especially those that are in my generation and younger who do not seem to be taking this seriously at all. If not for yourself, for the ones, you love that are in that high risk category. The sooner we do something about it, the sooner we can get back to our lives as we knew them just a few weeks ago. To all the people that are considered essential employees, my very own father included, I just want to say THANK YOU! You are all out there continuing your jobs in this madness while many of us are hiding at home. Thank you for providing the essential services we all need to survive. Show your appreciation for all of them by staying home unless absolutely necessary.

On just a final note, I want to make this my last post that has a heavy mention of this virus. I may write posts in the coming weeks about my experience social distancing/offering advice on workouts or meals, etc. but other than a brief mention I want to keep my page as a place to escape it. Take care and stay healthy everyone!

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