The Constants of Life

by - September 20, 2020

 Happy Sunday! Fall officially starts this week and if you live somewhere like I do, it may already feel a lot like Fall already. There is a nice chill to the air, the leaves are changing color, and of course all the pumpkin spiced and apple cider treats are appearing on store shelves and menus. Fall is all about change and preparation for the Winter, and I have done my fair share of talking about why change is important, but what about the things that do not change in our lives? What about all of the constants in our lives that are always there for us? The bring us a sense of security and stability. So let's talk about that today.

I think the best example to use that I am sure just about everyone can relate to, and that is a person or people in our lives that are always there with us, through all the good and all the bad. Think about all the people in your life and what they mean to you. I am betting there is at least one person in your life that you always turn to when you are feeling down. It could be a parent, a sibling, a lover, a mentor, a friend, etc. but I am betting you have someone that is always there for you no matter what. That person could also being doing more for you than you ever expected. Think of the person in your life that is a constant source of stability. You have probably been together through a lot and yet they are still there by your side. It is incredibly important not to take them for granted, or else they may no longer be a constant in your life at some point, but we will get more into that later.

Now that we have talked about the people in our lives, what about other positive constants? Well, this other example should be an obvious to most people, but I am betting it isn't. That constant is yourself. I have said it many times before but no one will cheer you on better than you can yourself. You will always be there to pick yourself up when you are down and keep going. You are a constant that you will absolutely never lose. No matter how badly you treat yourself at times, you will still always be there waiting for the love you deserve to give yourself. You will always be a constant source of love and support in your life, the first step is to allow yourself to give it.

Now what happens when these constants in our life disappear? Well chances are we pushed them away, we took them for granted and depended on them being there all the time. Even someone who has stood by us through thick and thin can disappear at times. If you have a pretty plant in a flower pot in your kitchen window it can throve and bloom for years, but as soon as you stop giving it water, love, and take it out of the window away from the sunlight it will start to wither and die. Truly nothing in our lives is constant without love and attention. If you have someone in your life that you can always go to with your problems, make sure you are checking in on them at times too. All relationships are two sided and cannot flourish unless both sides are putting in the work. If you are lucky enough to have a constant person in your life then make sure you are letting them bloom as well.

Overall I wanted to make sure you all realize how lucky you are to have some of these constants in your life. I think this year has also shown us just how easy some of these constants have disappeared. We are used to having big summer parties for the 4th of July or Easter dinner with our families every year, but all of those had to be put on hold this year. My family does so many things in the Fall like apple picking and visiting the farm to pick out or pumpkins together. As of right now those things can still happen this year, but there is a strong possibility they could be shut down if things get bad again. Always remember that any constant in our life, big or small, can go away so easily, so don't rely on them always being there. Never take them for granted. 

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