Happy Sunday everyone and a very happy Thanksgiving week! Every year I like to write a post about being thankful and giving thanks in honor of Thanksgiving, and this year will be no different. Sure it is going to be a little different this year since this has been one crazy year, but I think it is even more reason to sit and ponder the things we are grateful for and genuinely appreciate the beauty that is in life, no matter how bad some things can get. So yes, this post is going to be a little different this year, but the sentiment is always the same. I also wanted to make sure I included pictures of things from this year that are related to what I am thankful for. We always have something to be thankful for no matter how bad things get.
So this year has been a different one to say the least. Let's start there and why I have some reasons to be thankful for that. I know, that sounds pretty crazy. I am not taking away from any of the major things that have occurred this year and turning them about me by any means, but what I can do is try and find a positive in a negative. I as maybe people in the world spent a solid three months at home because of this pandemic. I was working from home, working out at home, and really only leaving the house to go grocery shopping. That certainly had some cons, but it definitely had some pros as well. One would be the extra time I got to spend with family. I was planning on moving out this spring but Covid ruined those plans as well, but it gave me the time to be around family, including our pup that we sadly had to put down. I think it puts things into perspective sometimes with just how busy we can get. Work, gym, dinner, bed. Over and over every single day until Covid came along to shake that up. I had some long days in that time period, but I certainly enjoyed other aspects as well.
To branch off of that as well I am very thankful for all the people I have in my life both near and far. This is one I mention every single year, but I find it so incredibly important to do so. If anything this whole pandemic should have taught every single one of us that time is precious and we have no idea how many years, days, hours, minutes we have left with the people we love and I think that lesson really rang true this year when you see all the people that have lost a loved one. I am so truly thankful for all the wonderful people in my life, even if we don't always get along (yes I am talking to you Cheryl 😉) I will always be grateful to have you in my life. Family, friends, and everyone in between I am genuinely thankful to have you in my life this Thanksgiving, but always too of course.
Another big thing I am thankful for, as all of you reading this as well should be, is for my health. Yes me and my parents have been doing really well with being cautious of this pandemic so it does not come from no effort, but this whole virus has been very scary to us. We have gone out of our way to be careful but I am still so very thankful that none of us have fallen ill to this virus. Sadly I cannot say that no one I know has gotten this sickness because I do know someone who has passed from it now, so it is very real to us. You should never just assume you are going to be okay and you should never take your health for granted. I personally am working on my weight as you all know, although motivation is at an all time low this year, but I think it is always important to work towards a healthier life because you never know when that is going to change. I am genuinely thankful for my health and the health of those I love this year more than ever. Life truly can be very beautiful so never forget that and never take anything, including your health, for granted.
For Thanksgiving 2020 I want you to really think about what you are thankful for this year. Sure the whole staying at home thing was a nuisance to some, but think about what you were able to do because of that. I know I personally became quite the baker this year because I had so much extra time to bake. I now make bread almost every weekend for fun but also just because I genuinely like to do it. Be thankful for the time you have with the ones you love because you never know how much time you have left. Genuinely think about the ones you love and the things you are thankful this year because I would say 2020 has taught us just how precious those things are in life. I am going to end this post but wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving and please make sure you are smart and safe with how you celebrate this year. I am very thankful to have people reading my words every week!