Silver Linings and Blessings in Disguise

by - August 14, 2017

I woke up today feeling extra happy and positive. I really have no reason why, but I decided that this week is going to be a good one and I am going to keep a positive attitude during the week. You never know what could happen right? Because of this I decided to write a new entry tonight; I figured I was in just the right mindset for it.

I wanted to take some time today to write about silver linings and blessings in disguise. I could easily write two separate posts about these, but I feel like they are related and should be mentioned together. Taking a completely negative part of your life or a negative event that occurs and making a positive out of it is probably one of the biggest favors you can pay yourself. Negative things happen all the time but how we choose to deal with them is most important.

Blessings in disguise come to us all the time. I would be willing to say a huge percent of the bad things that happen to us are blessings in disguise. Maybe a friend or significant other leaving our lives, losing a job, etc. this event happened for a reason. Most likely you are better off and in the long run will be a happier person because of it. One door closes as another one opens. Most likely someone or something is leaving your life to make room for something even greater. I know I have mentioned this on my page before, but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. It is quite possible that we will never fully know the reason, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.

I have been planning on writing a post about silver linings for quite some time now. I would say it was right when I lost my job that I started really thinking about silver linings. Silver linings are in a way our way of creating our own “blessing in disguise.” To use a personal example, I hate that I am still job hunting and am still unemployed. It is funny how when we are working we always want more free time...I now have it and am quite frankly going insane. You can only job search for so long every day. I have used this free time, however, to make silver linings for myself. I have spent a lot of more time with a friend I never used to see as often as I do now, I have had a lot of more time to write and stick to my blog posting schedule, I have been trying to organize and decorate my room (as mentioned before) to better suit my needs. These are all things I never made the time to do before. If anything, this big life change has taught me to stop putting my dreams, relationships, and fun on the back burner. A job and income is necessary in life, but that doesn't mean you should put everything else on hold.

See how these two topics intertwine with one another? They both are ways of turning a negative into a positive. With the right mindset there is no such thing as a bad day, just an obstacle to jump over. I have days of course where I do not always have a positive attitude. It is hard to stay that way especially if things just keep crashing down around you. Quite honestly this has been a very long and tiring year. Take a day or two to whine and mope around when something bad happened. I know I sure do from time to time, but make sure you get back up right after and start making those silver linings and finding the blessings in disguise.

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