A Positive Outlook on Life

by - August 31, 2017

Positivity is pretty much what this blog page here has evolved into over the past few years, and with very good reason. I purposely waited until today to post my next entry, because I thought I would have some good news to share and it turns out I was absolutely right. It is official, my job search is finally over. I accepted a position today that exceeds my expectations and am absolutely thrilled about it. I am not starting for a few more weeks, but am so eager to get back to work and move onto this exciting new chapter in my book of life. This inspired me to write today's entry.

Driving home from my interview where I was told I got the job, a million things ran through my mind, but the most astounding one to me was how funny life works. This job opportunity came up because a friend I unfortunately lost touch with a bit over the years (but was very close with not too long ago) reached out to me because she saw something on a social media site I posted mentioning I was job hunting. It just so happened that the job was exactly what I was looking for right when I was looking for it. That is the most amazing part to me. If the timing of anything that has happened in the last few months had been even slightly different, this opportunity may have never came up.

Life fits together just like a puzzle. Trust me, over the past few months since I found out I was losing my job to now there have been plenty of times that it certainly didn’t feel that way. There were plenty of mornings that I woke up with a not so positive attitude because it just felt like everything was crashing down around me and my future seemed so uncertain. I fought through that and the positive days outweighed the negative ones. I got through and now my future's looking brighter than ever.

I luckily have a huge support system between my family and friends, and I know some are not as fortunate. I am thankful for that every single day. I know I am very blessed in my life even on days it may not feel like it. The most important thing in life is to fight through the bad because then the good is even sweeter in the end. Nothing lasts forever. Yes, sometimes this means good things in life come to an end, but more than not it means the bad things will pass. Fight through the storm to get to the sunshine. I know I have said this one before but… The sun may set in paradise, but it always rises again in the morning.

I know my job search is tiny in comparison to some people’s problems in life, but everyone has their own battles to fight every day no matter how big or small. What is most important is fighting through them and getting to the light at the end of the tunnel. I am amazed at how amazing life truly is. How everything happens for a reason. How events in life are timed out so perfectly that they fit together exactly as they should.

Keeping a positive attitude is so important when going through anything. Back when I was job hunting right out of college, I was probably at the lowest point in my life emotionally. I was not positive the way I am today. It took me about nine months after I graduated to find work, this time around it was only about two and a half. Yes I did have experience this time around and I know that helped, but my positive attitude and outlook on life, I am willing to bet, had a huge impact as well.

Now that I have touched on a bunch of past entries and stuck in a bunch of cliches here, I will come to a close with this entry. I just wanted to share my good news, and show how my growth throughout this time has helped me. I wanted to have my next book review up by now, and I promise it is going to be my next post. I am so close to finishing up the book for reviewing but have been so distracted lately. Next post I promise!

As always, thank you for reading!

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