Making Progress

by - January 13, 2019

As we continue on through January and 2019 working toward our goals we will want to see progress. What else are we working towards when it comes to a goal other than progress right? I think one of the most important things to remember while working toward a goal is how many different ways we can see progress. There are many obvious ways to see that you are making headway toward your goals, but there are a ton of smaller ways as well that are often overlooked. I think it is extremely important to remember to see this small progress and be proud of yourself for it.

Take my goal for this year as well as my overall goal with this page for example: loosing weight. I think the overall progress of a goal such as this is to reach a certain weight or a certain number of pounds lost. That is in the simplest of terms a sure sign of progress with a weight-loss and health goal. Think of all the little signs of progress in between as well. One example would be the ability to stay on track with healthy meals and with your meal plan. If you are someone like myself that has a history of overeating which led to a weight problem, that is a pretty clear sign I am doing something right. Another would be just overall feeling better and having more energy due to healthier habits. Maybe you are sleeping better, have more energy in the day, or even just overall feeling a lot less sluggish. That is a huge sign that you are making progress as well.

Another example would be exercising and training at the gym. I think most people's overall goal with that is to either look a certain way from weight training or another goal that leads to weight-loss. I started off last year going to the gym 3 days a week. When I felt I was capable of adding another day I did. That is progress. I am noticing small changes in the mirror from my weight training as well. My last training session I was able to trap bar deadlift 80 lbs on each side of the trap bar as well. A year ago I would never think I would be doing that. For sure a sign of progress in my strength. These are all small changes and signs that I am making small progress toward my goal. 

The biggest point I want to get across with my post here is to not sell yourself short! I have said that so many times before, and I am sometimes guilty of it myself, but just because you are not seeing the results you think you should, it does not mean you are not making progress. I used weight-loss and exercise as my main example here but this goes for any goal you are aiming towards. Maybe you are trying to save money. Just because you might not have as much put aside as you'd like I am sure you have already said no to spending during times you would have before setting your goal. Maybe you started making your morning coffee at home instead of a daily Starbucks run. That is progress. Progress is progress no matter how big or small. 

Keep working toward your goal and do not give up just because you may not be exactly where you want to be at the moment. Isn't losing 1 lb in a 3 week span better than nothing or even gaining? Sure that is not a whole lot of progress for that span of time, but it is still a step in the right direction. Allow yourself to be proud of any progress no matter how big or small. If you are not seeing the progress you want then maybe it is time to take a step back and reevaluate your approach. Keep going and don't give up and you will see the level of progress you want in no time!

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