Working on You

by - January 05, 2020

A very happy 2020 to all of you! I truly hope this new year brings you everything you wish for and you are able to meet all of the goals you have set for yourself. Speaking of goals, I mentioned new year resolutions last week. If you are like most people you probably spent some time before the new year setting some goals to meet in 2020. I think overall the most popular one is getting healthy and more fit. I am no exception to that as I said last week. Where do we start though when it comes to meeting our fitness goals? I remember back when I first started exercising and eating better it really was pretty intimidating. Between diet plans like Keto and Atkins, to all the advertisements for crazy diet teas and meal plans there really is a lot of information out there. I am not expert by any means, but I figured I would offer a little advice when it comes to getting started.

First off I am just going to say it: You don't need any crazy detox teas, weight loss miracle pills, or appetite surprising lollipops to succeed. Assuming your goal is weight loss, you genuinely just need to eat more sensibly and if you are like me, improve your overall relationship with food. Your body is built a very specific way to function as you should. Of course there are exceptions to this but overall your hunger cues are there for a reason. My biggest piece of advice when you feel hungry is to ask yourself if you are genuinely hungry or are you just bored and/or craving a snack? I am the worst culprit of this I will admit. If you think you are hungry then have a darn snack! So many people are scared to actually eat when they are trying to lose weight and that is really just not good. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables on had to grab when you need something. Add some protein to the mix and dip your veggies in hummus. Maybe a measured out serving of nuts or trail mix. What is important to remember is this is a snack and not a meal. 

Speaking of meals preparation is going to be the key to your success! I cannot stress this enough honestly. Plan your meals for the week at least a few days ahead. I personally plan them all out and do my grocery shopping after work on Fridays. I find the recipes I want to try, make up a meal and snack plan for the week and then make a shopping list. This way you get everything you need for the week in one go and don't need to make a million trips to the grocery store. This also means you are prepared with healthy options in your home so you don't stray away from your plan from a lack of options. Going off of this idea if you work a typical 9-5 type job I cannot stress the importance of meal prepping your lunch enough (or if you are on different schedules whichever main meal you may work during). By taking some time out of your Sunday afternoon you can cook yourself a healthy meal full of veggies and good fats, protein, and carbs to keep you satisfied during the day. Yes it takes some time to do so, but if you bring your lunch with you, you are going to save money on take out and have a much healthier option. I have been praising meal prep for years now and that has not changed. Just do your best to make sure you have access to healthy foods. You are going to eat junk food from time to time, and that's okay, but just be sure to make sure the good foods far outweigh the less good foods. 

Exercise and getting healthier go hand in hand. There is no one alive that will no benefit from some kind of exercise. If you are new to this world though it is incredibly intimidating to get started. I have always suggested in the past that the best way to get started is to workout from home. It took me a very long time before I was comfortable going to a gym. I lost a good amount of weight by going on walks and using the Wii Fit video game. Once this was no longer challenging to me is when I switched to the gym. I highly suggest doing the same if a gym is intimidating. Maybe you want to go to the gym though but don't know where to start. I would say to start with cardio at first then just to get a feel for the environment. Then you can expand your abilities from there. Are you hoping to try a more targeted program and working with weights but are unsure of what to do? If you can afford it then I highly suggest a personal trainer at the gym as well. I've worked with mine for over a year now and am so glad I did. I know so much more now and am fully comfortable with all the equipment at the gym. If you have someone to go with you should too! A gym buddy is going to help with motivation and you are less likely to blow off your workouts. 

Overall I have the exact same piece of advice for your health journey, and that is to start small and work your way up. You are not going to change overnight. If you try to cut all the foods you love out of your life at once and jump right into a 5 days a week workout routine chances are you are not going to succeed. Slowly work day by day to a healthier you. As long as you prepare yourself along the way you will be just fine. I think it is also important to remember that everyone around us has their own goals and everyone is working with their own pace. Trust me I am the first person to get initially annoyed when I pull into the gym parking lot the first weeks of January and I cant find a parking spot because it is so packed. I have to remind myself too sometimes that everyone was a newbie at the gym at some point. Everyone is at the gym with similar goals and we all have just as much right to be there than everyone else. Do your best to stay kind, and even offer help if you see someone struggling to figure out a machine or something. We are all working towards our own goals, just remember to take them one day at a time! 

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