
by - February 09, 2020

The last few weekends have been pretty busy for me. As I am sure you noticed I decided to take last week off of posting. That was really just because I was busy on Saturday, and Sunday between laundry, meal prep, needing to unexpectantly run to the grocery store for something (yes, while I was doing laundry so my available clothing to wear was limited), I just really did not have too much time to squeeze in a post. I would much rather take a week off than to hurry up a post just to say I kept up with my Sunday postings. With all of that being said, that is in a sense a perfect segue into the topic I wanted to talk about today: time.

Time is very much always present in our lives. When you go to work or school chances are you have days where you are constantly checking the clock. Maybe you are looking forward to seeing of talking to someone, you most likely are counting down the minutes until you get to see that person. When you workout a lot of the time that is also measured in time. Most people aim to get a set number of hours of sleep every night as well. I could pretty much create an almost infinite list of the ways time infiltrates our lives. Think about all the little moments such as the ones I mentioned that we wish for time to go faster. I am willing to bet every single one of us is guilty of this on some occasions. Now I want you to also think about where you were ten years ago. I know for me it (as I mentioned in my previous post) feels as if it has flown by. How many of those ten years did I spend wishing time would go faster. It may not have felt like it at the time but it truly feels like graduating high school was just yesterday.

To make my point a little clearer I want you to think back on your favorite holiday as a kid. For the sake of my argument, I am going to use Christmas. When you're a kid, you spend the entire month of December not so patiently waiting for Christmas to arrive. The weeks seem to drag on and take ages to finally get to the 25th. I vividly remember getting so impatient while waiting for Christmas to get here. Now think about Christmas now. Unlike when you are a child the holidays come with a lot more responsibility. Buying gifts, wrapping gifts, work parties, kids Christmas recitals or pageants, baking cookies for gifts, the list can go on and on. I know at least for me, that December does not quite feel long enough to get everything done and before you know it Christmas is here. It is the exact same amount of time, but the perspective changes quite a bit due to more activities consuming it. As adults a lot of us likely wish Christmas would get here sooner for the opposite reason, to put an end to the stress.

So what makes me bring all this up? Well simply put, I think most people need to be reminded sometimes to sit back and enjoy the present moment they are in. With busy lives and wishing for future opportunities to arrive, we don't always remember to appreciate what we have right now. You honestly never know how much longer you have with every loved one in your life. Life is incredibly unpredictable, and your circumstances can change, for better or for worse, in an instant. Why keep spending every moment you have wishing for one specific event that's in the near future? The holiday, date, vacation, concert, etc. planned in the future is going to get here at the same pace either way. That is one inevitable thing about life. We cannot change time. We cannot make the future approach faster just as we cannot change the past. What we can do is tell every person in our lives that we love them because we are not fully guaranteed we will see them again tomorrow.

"If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable," -T.S. Eliot Four Quartets

As I have finished up this post, I realized that it took a very similar tone to my previous post. Not quite the same, but the overall message is very similar. I see nothing wrong with that though, as I believe the message is extremely important. Do you best to be kind always? Kind to your loved ones, to strangers, to yourself. You never know if that just might be the last words you say too them or that they will ever hear. Use your time very wisely and do not spend it looking at the clock every two minutes hoping it is closer to the time you can head home after work. Embrace the present and use that to appreciate just what you have in your life. Work towards the future, but not so much that it consumes your life. As I said last post, enjoy the path, you are on. Stop and smell the wildflowers on your journey. Take a break by the shady oak tree or take a nice cool drink for the stream near by. Stopping and doing these will not have any effect in the future approaching.

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