
by - September 06, 2020

 Happy Sunday all! I hope you are all having a great weekend and for those of us who have Labor Day off it is even a long weekend! I had a fairly busy workweek last week so this Monday off is very welcomed for me. This week's topic is pretty present in every person's life I would assume. When we truly want something in life, whether it is a physical item, an event that is coming up, or something we need to work for, it is always hard to keep our patience. I learned a little lesson in that this week and figured what a better way to get that frustration out than to write about it for this week's post?

I think a lot of people (if not most of us) used quarantine as an excuse to slack on our exercise routines and eating habits. I myself tried my best to keep up with workouts but motivation lacked sometimes during that journey. I have mentioned in the past that I am very much an emotional and bored snacker so social distancing was no exception to that. I will say though that my weight really did not change that much in the process. I decided this week, however, that I wanted to get serious about really focusing on my health and cleaning up my diet and exercise habits so I am healthy in my future for all the things I want to do. I jumped right back into this this week and tracked all my calories and went right back to my 5 days a week workout schedule. You can probably guess my frustrations though when I weighed myself at the end of the week and was down less than half of a pound only.

So why is this story relevant to my topic here? Well once I got over the frustration and disappointment of my weight in I gave myself a little pep talk. All good things take work and most importantly they take time. The first time around when I lost a lot of weight I lost it too fast. This only lead me to go a little crazy as soon as I stopped restricting so much. This time around I am aiming for long term, forever results so I realize it is going to take time and a lot of effort. Whenever we do things for long term results like this it most certainly requires a lot of patience. The best things in life take time and take hard work to acquire. I will not let the frustration with the scale on my first week set me off track, if anything it is just a sign to keep going and working hard!

Patience has been incredibly important this year for all of us in some way, shape, or form I would say too. I would be willing to guess that the majority of people had to put off something because of the pandemic over the past few years. In my case it was a trip, in others I know they had to postpone weddings or other big events they had planned. Of course that is awful for all of us, but it only means we have something to look forward to in the future. Patience is the key to get us through this. Instead of dwelling on the loss think about what you gained from needing to change your plans. In my case it give us time to save money and research more places we may want to go on our trip. If you had to postpone a wedding of something along those lines maybe you can find a new way to make your big day even more special when it comes along. Your patience will reward you in the end if you let it.

When you truly want something it genuinely is hard to wait for it right? We live in a world where we get things almost instantly now. If our internet takes more than 15 seconds to load something we get impatient, if we do not get our coffee order at Starbucks within 3 minutes we usually get a little annoyed. I am guilty of this myself sometimes I will fully admit. Life is not meant to be lived instantly though and I think it is important to remind ourselves of that from time to time. Life is short enough as it is so is it now important that we take some time to truly absorb what is going on around us. I know we all want things instantly, but let's take some time to be more patient with each other, ourselves, and for the world around us. The results will be all the more sweeter in the end if we do!

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