
by - October 04, 2020

 Happy Sunday everyone! I am to the point where I feel like it wouldn't be a true start to my weekly blog if I did not wish you all a happy Sunday! I am actually writing this post a little earlier in the day than I usually do because me and my family are planning on going apple picking in the afternoon. I considered just blowing it off, but I really did not want to do that, and this is always such a nice space for me to just write once a week, I shouldn't let some family fun take away from that. Instead I am drinking some caramel apple flavored coffee with my pup in my lap ready to write! So now that I have all of my usual yapping out of the way, let's get to today's topic. Today I want to talk about listening.

Now of course listening can mean a couple of different things. It is how we are able to communicate with others. Without our sense of hearing we would never be able to hear our favorite songs, listen to all the sounds of nature at night, or be able to listen to a loved one sing. Unfortunately there are some people in this world that cannot hear, and of course there are just as many ways that those people can enjoy the beauty of life. Today's post, however, is not only about physically listening with our ears anyways. I want to dive into how we listen to other and show we are listening as well. But first I want to talk a little about some of my favorite sounds.

Just a few weeks ago I was laying in my bed at night before falling asleep. I just listened to all of the sounds of nature with my window open as I softly drifted off to sleep. Faintly I could hear an owl hooting as well, and owls are my favorite animal so that was nice and soothing. As I am typing this out I am listening to some soft, instrumental, classical music which helps me focus to write. Back in college I listened to Justin Timberlake's newest album at the time, 20/20 Experience, while I studied for the most difficult exam I took as an English Major, and was able to remember information on the test based on the lyrics of the songs. Pretty crazy to be signing Suit & Tie in your head while writing about different literary philosophers. Our sense of hearing really does bring a lot of beauty in the world as well. The first song bird singing of Spring, hearing your newborn baby cry for the first time, listening to the voices of the ones you love, beautiful music on a lousy day. They say you should always stop and smell the roses, but I like to stop and listen to the music myself.

Now that we have talked about the obvious type of listening in this post, I want to talk about my real purpose for writing this. One of the other ways we listen, is listening to those around us. When someone goes to you about something are you truly listening? I have said this before but we as humans are all pretty selfish by nature. Most of us, even the most giving ones, still have that tendency of being selfish. If your friend is telling you a story or about a problem, do you strictly listen or do you find a moment that you can bring up a story that relates to theirs? If someone is telling you about something that they are excited about do you automatically tell them about something you are also excited about? Look, I am willing to be we all do this to an extent. I myself have caught myself doing it of course. I don't think any of us really mean any harm in it but I do know that we also expect others to listen when we speak rather than changing the direction of the conversation.

My only request is to ask you all to do a lot more listening in your life. Stop and listen to the sounds of nature when you are on a walk or hike. Listen to your loved ones when they speak, truly take in what they are saying, but also enjoy the sounds of their voices because you never know when it may be the last time you hear it. Instead of bringing up a relatable story when a friend is confiding in you really listen and absorb what they are saying and then offer up any advice or comfort you can. There will be a time and a place for your story. Compassion and composure over selfishness... (as I was typing that sentence out I realized this whole post can be read as a response to the most recent presidential debate but trust me, that is not my intention. I like to keep politics well off of this page) Listen with your ears of course, but also listen with your heart.

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