It's Okay to Not be Okay

by - January 10, 2021

 I have tried to sit down and write my blog a few times now and am having a hard time focusing. I am sure I am not alone in that. This past week as pretty much everyone in the world knows was a very dark one for the United States. I try to keep politics off of my page as I believe this is a space for everyone, that everyone can use positivity in their lives no matter their views, and overall I like to think of this page as a place to escape rather than be reminded of the news. I can't do that this week though. I had a review of a meal service planned for this week but it just is not in me to sit and pretend that I am mentally okay after the events that took place this week and talk about something that is pretty meaningless in comparison. I am going to do what I always do on this page and discuss, while also shedding a positive light.

Before anyone tries to defend or fight against me on what I am about to say I want to tell you to save your breath. The events that took place this week were vile and disgusting. Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, etc. No matter what your views on things are, I think any rational and sane person can agree on that. This is no longer about opposing views. This is no longer a fight between conservative and liberal. What we saw Wednesday in this country was an act of pure hatred and selfishness. It was not about anyone's rights. It was not about anyone's finances. It was not a statement or a protest. It was an attempted coup. There is no sugarcoating that at all. Everyone has the right to be upset with the outcome of the election, but that was not just one step too far, it was twenty, and it was, and continues to be, encouraged by someone who is supposed to be leading this country. There is absolutely no defending that.

Now enough about it, quite frankly I am sick of even thinking about it and worrying about what else the future is holding. My point in writing this today is to tell you that is is okay to be not okay. It is okay to be scared and worried. It is okay if you, like myself, sat and watched the news when these events were unfolding and were literally shaking in fear with a pit in your stomach. I know that if you are a parent with small kids you need to act strong in front of them so they are not fearful, but it is also okay for you to be upset or scared. You are not considered weak or less than for letting something so horrible and big occurring filling you with fear.

My best advice to give my readers is to take care of your mental health. I have been saying this for months now during the pandemic, but this is something that was like a giant explosion that occurred, rather than a small wound festering like the pandemic. With the pandemic we could gradually get used to things, where this happened all at once. If the news is upsetting you, turn it off and read a fantasy book. Take a break from the world and make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and drink it looking out of your window at nature. Appreciate the beauty of the world as you do because even when things get dark, it is still there. Drink your water! Do a workout. Play a video game, preferably one without violence, to further distract yourself. Do whatever you need to do to distract yourself from everything and move through life as best you can.

Again I want you all to know it is okay to not be okay. The past year was physically and mentally exhausting and of course 2021 was not to be outdone. If you live in this country it is perfectly understandable to be scared and worried. I am myself as I am sure this is not over. I am fearful for what could happen in the next few weeks, and that is a natural human reaction. You are only human and none of us are strong all of the time. Keep looking forward, even if what is ahead seems so completely uncertain, and if you need to take a break to sit on an old tree stump along the path, that is okay too.

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