Hope Moves Us Forward

by - January 24, 2021

 Happy Sunday all! I am back after taking a little break last week. With so much uncertainty in the air I was finding it really hard to focus on writing a post, so I figured instead of forcing it I would just take the week off to recharge and get back to it this week. I have a review coming up that I was going to do this week, but I am going to push it off one more week because I felt this topic is an important one, and I write a poem recently that would be perfect to end this with. I broke with my norms last post and talked about American politics, which is something I absolutely never do, and I do not regret that. Unless something huge happens in the future again I probably will not do that again. We all have differing views and opinions, and I have always wanted to keep this blog a neutral space for everyone. No matter what your views on anything are, I think one thing we all have in common is hope.

Now I am sure I have talked about hope on this page many times before. Hope and love in a lot of ways go hand in hand, and I know I am always preaching how important it is to have love in our lives. Hope and love both make the world the place we want it to be. Without either of those things, imagine how scary, dark, and cold the world would be. Hope keeps us going. If you did not have any hope within yourself at all you truly would never work towards any goal in your life at all. If you are not hopeful for those new beginnings and end results of anything you put your mind to, why would you even be working to achieve them at all? Hope is genuinely so important to keep in your hearts. Hope pulls us through the darkest of times, even if we are not even aware that it is lurking in our hearts. Hope is always there waiting to be called upon.

I want you to take a moment and think about what a world without any hope at all might look like. If it wasn't for hope any of the previous big wars in history may have been fought in vain. If there was no hope in those times they very likely could have ended human civilization as we have come to know it. You and I may never have been brought into this world. A very striking example would be Anne Frank. I think we all know her story, she was in hiding from the Nazis during the Holocaust and kept he now famous diary documenting this time. Despite their conditions and circumstances her diary was full of messages of hope. Her story unfortunately came to a horrible end, despite that hope, but her message of hope was not lost on the rest of the world. She lives on through that message. She lives on because of her hope. Even someone living through one of the darkest times of history had hope in her heart.

I know times get hard for everyone. As I said I took last week off because my anxiety was at an all time high from everything going on and the worry of things to come. It is only human to worry sometimes. Even in those times, however, hope is there waiting for us to see it. Even when we want to ignore it and sulk in our sorrows. Even when we just want to be angry at the world. Even when the storm clouds just do not want to dissipate. It is still there lying dormant until the spark comes to ignite it. All of this hope in my heart inspired me to write a poem on the topic yesterday, and I figured it would be nice to share here too:

Hope Will Always Pull Us Through

Rich cream splashed into black coffee,
one single splash breaking that seal
saturating the obsidian.

Spring tulips sleeping through the winter
dormant and waiting for the first sunshine
to awaken the new year’s blossoms.

Deep, vast night sky of dark, deep navy.
A single star appears, then transforms
into a sky full of stars.

Hope always lurks,
no matter how dark the sky,
no matter how cold the winter,
no matter how bitter the coffee.
Hope is waiting to rise up.

Light will always outshine darkness.
Good will always overcome evil.
Hope will always pull us through.

When you are scared and feeling alone, always remember that hope will always pull you through. No one was ever hurt or damaged because they had hope. Sure sometimes things do not work out the way you hoped they would, but in the end hope is what gets us through those times. Stay hopeful that things will work out in the end just the way they are supposed to, because they will. It is so incredibly cliché but I genuinely believe that everything happens for a reason, and hope is what pushed us through to find out just what that reason is, especially in the times where there is pain and confusion. Maybe things did not work out how you wanted. Maybe life is just not how you imagined it would be at this moment. Hope will keep us fighting to get to the ultimate destination in our hearts.

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