Finding Motivation Within Yourself

by - June 14, 2014

I have a question for those that may have any sort of issue with their body weight: How many times would you say you have heard the sentence, “Wow you have such a pretty/handsome face just think if you lost a few lbs. You would be even prettier!” or how many times has a family member (or anybody close to you) basically tried very politely (or perhaps for some, not so nicely) to get you to start losing weight? The truth is that while most of the time these comments are meant in the most positive way and in hopes to encourage the recipient to start getting healthier, most of the time it really just hurts. Pressure from outside sources is nothing but negative (at least for me, I am by no means speaking for anyone else) and for years these comments meant absolutely nothing to me, I'm sorry but any sentence that pretty much starts with “Well you are pretty BUT...” isn't exactly going to give a confidence boost. My parents often would very subtly try to coax me into losing weight, something I know was strictly out of concern and love for me, so I have no hard feelings about it whatsoever (I promise Mom and Dad!) but the truth is most human beings don't take too kindly to being told what to do.

The little bit of background leads me to my first major tip that I will be providing in this blog, and that is that only you can find the motivation to change your life (in this case through weight-loss but this really applies to any positive change in your life) within yourself, not because anyone tells you that is what you should be doing. As a young girl I always hated going to the doctor's office because my doctor would obviously always tell me I needed to lose weight and that my weight was getting into a dangerously high level. We would always talk about what I ate (I would always lie out of embarrassment) and other things such as this, and although my doctor was always completely friendly and encouraging about it, I always absolutely dreaded going to checkups because of it. I would always try to watch what I ate after these visits but it would only last at most a week or two. Other times my parents would voice their concern over my weight and although I knew what they were saying was absolutely true nothing ever resulted from these conversations. My main point in telling all of these incredibly boring stories from my childhood is that I only saw results once I decided completely on my own to make changes in my life that lead me to write these words today.

My word of advice to anybody looking to lose weight or make positive changes in your life is to find your own personal reason behind making these changes. It may be trying to fit back into those jeans from high school, or maybe being into the yellow polka-dot bikini for summer, really anything! As long as you are making these changes for you and nobody else (yes that means deciding to lose a few lbs so that guy at work may look your way is a BIG no-no) you will find success, I promise! Nobody is a bigger motivator for you than you! The bottom line is to find a reason within yourself to make these changes and you will succeed, and although your loved ones really do have your best interest at heart when they say these things, nobody truly knows what's going on inside your head but you. You are your biggest cheerleader and as long as your mind and your heart are all in, you will succeed.

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