Getting Discouraged

by - July 30, 2014

Okay so a little more time between posts has passed than I had hoped but the reasoning behind that (other than job searching and other reasons for being busy) is a good topic for this post. Over the last few months I have been pretty much at a stand-still with my weight-loss. For the most part I have stayed in the same 10 lb range, so even though I haven't gained a lot of weight I have been getting a little frustrated with my progress, however, it is all due to reasons that are all on me.

I haven't been putting all that much effort over the last few months into eating right and exercise, although I have without a doubt made certain healthy ways habits now, so it is not like I in any way went back to my old ways. Between finishing up my final (and by far most difficult) semester at college, being a bit frustrated with the job search, and also getting frustrated with my progress slowing down I pretty much have been thinking about other things. That being said I finally am getting myself back on track eating better and I even had a killer workout at the gym last night so my progress is finally back on track!

The reason I bring this all up would be to remind anyone trying to make changes in their life such as these that you are only human! Weight-loss really can be a vicious cycle sometimes in the sense that frustration with progress can really lead to backtracking. Don't be discouraged though if you start seeing results and they slow down, this is something I have to remind myself of constantly, because logically thinking when there is more weight to lose it will come off faster. What I try to do is think of the fact that my weight-loss is slowing as a positive! The fact that it is becoming more challenging to lose weight just shows me how far I've really come. I use this fact as motivation to push me even harder and now that I am finally getting myself back on track I am more motivated now than I have ever been.

To sign off here's a little tip: One thing I do when I get particularly frustrated is remind myself just how far I've come. Just yesterday I made myself this picture. The first was taken in 2011 and the second in 2014 (The lovely T-shirt was made for a concert... I (sadly) have no shame wearing the shirt haha) but it really is a reminder of my accomplishments and what I really am capable of!

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