Getting Discouraged
Okay so a little more time between
posts has passed than I had hoped but the reasoning behind that
(other than job searching and other reasons for being busy) is a good
topic for this post. Over the last few months I have been pretty much
at a stand-still with my weight-loss. For the most part I have stayed
in the same 10 lb range, so even though I haven't gained a lot of
weight I have been getting a little frustrated with my progress,
however, it is all due to reasons that are all on me.
To sign off here's a little tip: One thing I do when I get particularly frustrated is remind myself just how far I've come. Just yesterday I made myself this picture. The first was taken in 2011 and the second in 2014 (The lovely T-shirt was made for a concert... I (sadly) have no shame wearing the shirt haha) but it really is a reminder of my accomplishments and what I really am capable of!