Focus On You

by - April 25, 2016

This post is going to be a little different from what I usually post. I always try to provide tips and suggestions to those who may be seeking them in a weight loss journey, but with this post I almost want to just totally put that on hold for a completely different type of lesson. 

One thing that is pretty important for everyone to have is self love, and I really feel like that is something a lot of us lack, even me at times. Just because you are not a size zero or have curly hair when you'd prefer straight, or for a plethora of other reasons does not mean you are any less of a person. How someone treats you is not a sign of this either. Not everyone is going to like you and not everyone has your best interest at heart, but you do (and if you don't, you really should). So do what makes you happy. Do what makes you a stronger person. Don't ever do something you don't want to do just because somebody else tells you you should.

I have two pretty big pieces of advice to share in this post. The first is going to be to but some faith in fate. Honestly, this is something I more recently learned myself. I am going to get all kinds of personal and admit that for the longest time up until pretty much last week I just hated the fact that I was (and still am) single. Besides a few occasions, being single really is all I've ever known. Me having a problem with that, I honestly blame on movies and TV shows. The idea of being in a relationship is just so appealing in those goofy romantic comedies where the girl ends up making out with Ryan Reynolds or Bradley Cooper in the closing scene. I just wanted one so bad that in return I really just set myself up for heartbreak and disappointment on a few occasions during the past year. With all of this really came a pretty good lesson. I genuinely decided I needed to stop putting so much pressure on the subject and focus on me. Being single isn't the end of the world! I am taking time to just enjoy being with myself and doing things I like to do (like writing this blog hmm?). If it happens then great, but I am no longer going to allow myself to put myself down if it doesn't. I truly want to just take some time to enjoy being single and being young. After this latest blow, as I mentioned earlier, I 100% decided I am just going to trust the plan of my life that is fate and let whatever is going to happen, happen rather than focus on trying to make something happen. That is no way to live.

With all of that comes my second tip, which really coincides with the other. Learning to love yourself and enjoying spending time with just you is a great opportunity to try something new! I have very recently started playing around with makeup (all of you that are friends with me on Facebook already know this) and trying new techniques. Most of you reading this probably are thinking “yeah okay big deal,” but if you know me at all you know I have basically been doing my makeup exactly the same since probably my sophomore year of college. And by that I mean eyeliner, mascara, foundation. That's it. So the fact that I am doing this is actually a big change for me! I figured I would put a picture of a more recent look I put together... yes, I am still very new to this as I am sure you can tell! But the point to all of this is to try something new or spend some time perfecting a craft you've already had some experience with! New hobbies or really any hobbies are such a good way to spend some quality time with you! That is my main point here. Spend some good quality time with yourself and start realizing how strong and beautiful you are!

I would not be the person I am today without so many loving and caring people in my world. I am very fortunate to have such a great family and to have such supportive friends. I know I do not need to name any of them,they know! Even with that, I am still very much working on loving myself and really being the person I want to be. That is probably the very best piece of advice I have and ever will offer with this page. Love yourself first, and the rest will all fall right into place. Put some faith in fate.

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