Live in the Now
Okay I know I just said in my last post that I will probably (for the time being) only be aiming to post every other week, but I was feeling extra inspired this week and had a great topic in mind for a new post (It must be my new Young Living Envision oil right Cheryl and Jenn? ;-) Maybe a review for a future post coming up?).
Something I think everyone does to a certain degree is compare their life or themselves in general to others... I do it a lot myself. I truly think it is just human nature. It is so easy to see others living their lives and envy them to a certain degree. It could be a fancy new car, an awesome body (in the viewer's eyes), or even their job. It is so easy to see things we do not have that another has and feel envy. It is also common to feel this way and immediately put yourself down and think "well what am I doing wrong in my life that I don't have those things?"
I will be flat out honest, one major thing I let bother me in my life occasionally is the fact that I still live at home. I really don't mind living at home most of the time though. It's comfortable and familiar, not to mention free wifi and water haha. I am really lucky to have the parents I do for loving me so much and wanting me to be able to afford to be out on my own before I venture out. It may not always feel like it Mom and Dad, but I truly do appreciate it. Between a student loan I am paying off, a car payment, car insurance, food, etc. I simply just cannot afford rent for an apartment, even if I had a roommate. I provide for myself mostly in every other way except the roof over my head. But besides all the positives I just mentioned I see others my age on their own and independent and I can't help but feel down about the fact that I can't afford to do so... see what I mean about how easy it is to envy others? I am only human and am going to have negative thoughts just like everyone else no matter how positive I am... but I digress!
I honestly think it is something everyone does at some point, in some way shape or form. I think what is important, however, is allowing yourself to realize that it is okay to have these feelings, but they shouldn't dictate your life and they shouldn't be often. If you put too much pressure on your life and the future you honestly will drive yourself crazy. I used to be one of the most stressed out people on the planet... honestly it is a wonder I made it through 17 years of schooling without a stomach ulcer. I would always be worrying about tomorrow. I do think the future is something to look toward, but it shouldn't completely consume you either. The past should be left in the past, and the future should be looked towards, but the absolute most important thing is the present. Blink and it is gone. Never depend on tomorrow coming. Find peace with your now, even if it isn't exactly where you want it to be, I am willing to bet there is a silver lining in there somewhere, no matter how dark the cloud is. Appreciate you life as it is this very second.
Envy is a completely normal feeling. It is so easy to ignore your blessings while wishing for something else. Stop comparing yourself to others! Count your blessings now because you never know when they will change. Remember that you are blessed in so many ways and that chances are, no matter what, someone else in the world is probably suffering a lot more than you are. You are the person you were always meant to be. Embrace that no matter what you wish would be different in your life, because chances are (just like me) you have it pretty good.