Making Lemonade

by - May 30, 2017

When life gives you lemons, it isn't so easy to just get right up and make lemonade. My main message in this page over the last year is to stay positive and not let negative happenings get you down, but that really isn't all that easy is it? What happens when Ms. Suzy Sunshine has a cloud over her? What happens when it isn't so easy for her to take her own advice?

Don't worry, this post is starting off as negative, but it is very much so going to be positive. I wanted to start off that way to show that even the most positive person has days/weeks/months etc. that they throw all their own advice out the window and just sulk. That is okay. What matters is how they recover from them and how they handle them.

Last week I was informed that both me and my mother are losing our jobs next month. This is not due to anything we did or didn't do, the company is simply making cutbacks and our positions were eliminated. I am sure most people have been through similar things. Maybe not a job but the loss of something consistent in your life suddenly. I would imagine the first normal reaction is fear. Once the initial shock wore off I immediately started wondering about my car payment, car insurance, health insurance, etc. Quite frankly I was scared, and still am truthfully, and I am sure my mother had a similar reaction. It was so easy for me to just lay in bed, cry, and start thinking of everything that can go wrong because of this event. It took me a few days, but I finally decided not to let myself get in the same funk I was in back when I first graduated college and couldn't find a job. I decided I need to take my own advice.

I am trying my very best to put a positive spin on things. I am currently home using my last vacation day so I do not lose it, tweaking my resume and sending it in to various jobs. I decided to take a break to write this. Writing has always been what I do when I am emotional, but I digress. As I have mentioned in numerous previous posts, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that God has a plan in motion for me and, although that doesn't fully take the worry away, it does help me come to terms with it a bit. It is so easy to be angry and bitter when you are thrown a curve ball in life, but I believe it takes a lot of strength to accept that you are just walking on the path of your fate. I think even those that are not religious can take comfort in this concept.

The next thing we both have been trying to do it continue living life as normal as possible. I know that is a lot easier said than done, but you really have to try and maintain a normal everyday life. If you let something like this consume your thoughts entirely you will end up right where I was when I was initially job searching. Completely depressed and probably at the lowest point of my life. I am refusing to let myself get there again. But even despite all that, still continue to do what you love and makes you happy.

On the left, April and Me.
On the right, Me feeding Oliver carrots.
I am sure most of you know about the viral webcam at the Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, NY documenting the pregnancy of April the giraffe? Well Mom and I fell in love with April and dad Oliver way back in February. I was just like so many other people watching that live feed all the time! After baby Tajiri was born we decided that on Memorial Day weekend we would take the trip out there since it was only about a 4 hour drive. We had that planned for over a month and I was of course ridiculously excited to go. We got the news about our jobs only a few days before going. As you can imagine our initial reaction was to not go because of the financial aspect of the trip, but soon after we decided we still would go, and quite honestly I think it was a great decision not only because we had a great time, but because we didn't halt our lives because of our bad news.

I took this super cute picture of baby Tajiri in the barn.
It was the best thing for us to get out of town, get our minds off of everything, and just have a good time. Canceling something we were looking forward to for so long would have only further dragged us down. As long as your plans are within reason and are not going to be a huge financial burden in the future you should keep them. One major thing changing in your life should not necessarily put a damper on everything else.

My bottom line here is that it is so easy to let something negative consume you and drag you down. Even me with all my positive posts and positive thoughts gets down in the dumps sometimes. I decided to take my own advice, pick myself up, and hopefully not just grow but flourish from this, just like a phoenix is reborn from its ashes. Keep on living your life as normally as you possibly can when something major happens, and do your very best to make that lemonade.

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