You Had a Bad Day
Every single person in the world has a bad day from time to time. Sometimes we wake up on the wrong side of the bed, sometimes everything just seems to be going wrong, sometimes it is even hormones. It happens to literally everyone. It is so easy to get caught up in life and only view all the negative sides to life when things keep going wrong. I wanted to dedicate a post to dealing with bad days and mention some of the things I like to do to get by. Much like a previous post, Dealing with Stress, I wanted to list a few ways that I overcome a bad day in hopes that they will help someone else.
A few weekends ago I was having a really rough day. Just everywhere I turned I felt like I was going to burst into tears or scream or anything really because everything seemed to not be going right from the moment I woke up. I decided to just take a drive for a little while. I really had no destination in mind and when I first got into my car and pulled out, I just drove. It was honestly really nice to do this. Just take some time on my own to collect my thoughts and get my emotions under control. I highly suggest doing this. It did me a lot of good, however, if you are really emotional this may not be a great option until you pull yourself together and settle down a bit. You would never want your emotions clouding your ability to be a safe driver.
As I was driving I suddenly had the idea to drive out to the catholic shrine in the area. I pulled into the library parking lot I was near and looked up the directions on my GPS. I wasn't sure I would be comfortable making this drive as I have never done it on my own, but I found a route taking back roads and decided to venture out. Once I got there it was nice to walk around for a little while. It was a little cold that day so I didn't stay long, but it was very peaceful and exactly what I needed to calm down and feel better. My day was a lot better after taking a drive and ending up there. My best advice would be to pick a place you feel comfortable with. I went to a religious place, but it doesn't need to be that of course. Anywhere you think would be best for you to go and collect your thoughts and take a few deep breaths.
Ways to deal with a bad day really are personal to you just as dealing with stress is. Everyone is different and is going to find comfort doing different things. Here is a list of a few more suggestions I have just to jump start your brainstorming:
- Take a long hot shower, put on your favorite music and sing along. I honestly am one of those people who always sings in the shower and it always makes me feel extra happy even on long days.
- Take a nice walk or go to the gym/workout. I know so many people that workout when they are stressed or mad or upset...I am not one of those people. I personally would rather just go home after a long day at work, put my pajamas on and do nothing, but I know working out is a great stress relief for many.
- Treat yourself to a something that is a guilty pleasure but maybe not so good for you. I do not recommend doing this one a lot because it can so easily become a habit, but if you had one of those extremely awful days where nothing went right why not have your favorite dessert that you have been avoiding because of the disgusting amount of calories in it. As long as this is a very rare occasion then it is okay. It is a pretty much known fact that humans take comfort in their favorite foods (hence the term "comfort foods"), but if you choose to do this just remember that moderation is key and use this one very sparingly!
- Hobbies! I have mentioned this one before but hobbies are things that bring us all joy. Come home from a bad day and do your hobby. I have on many occasions started writing when I was angry or sad because of my day and it really has made me feel better. Whatever your hobby may be, it probably will help cheer you up!
- Last but not least, cry. If you are having one of those horrible days where nothing goes right it is perfectly okay to cry and let all your emotions out. Go to your room and do it if you do not want anyone to see.