Baby Steps Forward

by - August 26, 2018

I know, I have already talked about pushing yourself on my page here but I really wanted to add onto the concept a little bit more. Honestly that is one of the most frustrating and also interesting parts about writing in general, but also when writing for this page. Ideas really are always running wild in our heads especially if you are a creative person. That also means ideas can morph or expand or even change into other things. The last time I wrote about pushing yourself it was mostly focused on the working out and the health aspect of my page, but I feel that is limiting my point in a way.

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." -T.S. Eliot

It is extremely easy to stick to what you know and do what is familiar. May it be the gym, trying new foods, or even socializing. I think staying with the known is a very normal thing to do as humans. I was really no different years ago, and still could use some work today. It is so easy to stay in the same old routine we have always been in because we know we are fine with it. It very well can be holding you back though. You really never know what is out there until you break away a little bit to discover it. Push yourself a little bit more each day and you just may find the fate that has been waiting for you,

I think we can all push ourselves in so many different ways every single day. To go back on my first example from my previous post, maybe you need to push yourself to exercise more and to change things up in that routine. I know I mentioned before that I was not too crazy about trying out personal training at first, but now I absolutely love it. I am doing exercises I never thought I could before and that is all because I stepped outside of my comfort zone. Cardio machines in the gym were like a security blanket in a way but once I stepped away I found something that was doing me a lot of good. Another example is being more social and less shy. Look I completely get this. I still have a hard time with this myself. There is a big work party coming up this week that I only committed to going to when I was sure the other girls I am friends with in the office were going. I am and really never will be one to just walk up to someone new and jump right into a conversation. What is important is trying when you can. Maybe you don't start the conversation but by all means keep it going. Push yourself through these normally awkward and uncomfortable things and you just may be surprised with the results.

I think one very important thing to remember when pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone is to take baby steps. I would never suggest going to a gym for the first time and starting a five day workout week right away. Ease into it until you are more comfortable with your surroundings. The most important thing and sign you are pushing in the right direction is progress no matter how big or how small. If someone you don't know very well strikes up a conversation with you (as I said before) keep it going. Don't expect to leave there best friends, but what is the harm of getting to know someone new?You never know where that relationship will lead in the end. Small little pushes in the right direction are perfectly fine and will eventually lead you exactly where you need to go. Also remember that everyone moves and works in their own pace. Just because you are at a possibly lower stage as someone else in something you do does not mean you are any worse than them or a failure. Every single one of us is living on our very own timeline. Push yourself to progress, but be very careful never to push yourself too far. You will only end up falling because of that. 

Set small goals for yourself to reach but do not set a ridiculous deadline either. Yes we should strive to each our goals in a timely fashion, but there is no need to add that extra pressure on ourselves. Did I think at this point in the year the number on the scale would be lower? Absolutely but I am still showing signs of progress and moving forward. I am pushing myself enough to get to my goals when I can, but not so much that I am taking drastic measures and reaching them too fast. Doing so is completely unhealthy. That goes for any sort of goal you are pushing yourself towards. Keep pushing to become a better you. Keep pushing to reach your goals one day at a time. Keep pushing to live your best life.

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