Living Your Best Life

by - February 17, 2019

My topic for today is one that I have mentioned previously before on my page. There is a reason for that. Life throws us curveballs. Life doesn't always go according to plan. The road we are walking on isn't always fully paved... instead it is much like the roads around here in the winter: Full of potholes. I think this is something we can all agree on. In a sense, life would be pretty boring if everything went fully according to plan all the time. Small bumps in the road are usually fairly easy to deal with. We trip and get right back up. The bigger patches, however, are a much different story.

I am not going to spend this blog discussing what I feel is a big event in life (as opposed to the small bumps). I think we all would have different opinions on this. What I do want to spend this blog talking about is what we should learn from them. I know it sounds incredibly cliché but we should truly live our lives as if tomorrow is not going to come. Tomorrow is never 100% guaranteed. We never know what each day is going to bring to us. I think the best advice I can offer is to not spend your days miserable and upset all the time. Sure we all have days where we do need to just mope around in our pajamas and such, but do your best to make those few and far between. Did you have a fight with a friend or family member? If so how big of a deal is this in the grand scheme of things? Do you want to spend your precious time being mad? Really sit down and ask yourself these questions. Ask yourself if the way you are spending your time is how you want to be remembered. If you were to be gone tomorrow would people remember you the way you want to be remembered?

 I know there were a lot of questions there but I think I am making my point. Pretty much every year something happens around me that always gets me thinking about how precious life really is. I have talked about this in the past as I have mentioned, and the reason I feel okay bringing it right back up is because that is life. We are constantly reminded about how fragile and precious life is. We are also constantly reminded just how short it really is. I know for me personally about once a year I get a fairly big reminder of it in some way, shape, or form. Don't let something major happening to you be the day you realize that you haven't been spending your time as you wish you would. Show your appreciation for others, do the things you have been putting off, anything you may not have time for if you wait too long. Show your affection to the ones you love while you still can. Live every day as full as you possibly can. Will you need to have a few completely unproductive days in between? Absolutely, and that is perfectly fine. What truly matters is when you are taking a step back and looking at how you have lived your life, you have no major regrets.

Do the things you love as long as it is not causing yourself harm or others harm. Enjoy your life as if you never really know when your last day is here because the truth is we don't. Good days and bad days are all gifts to us. Even on your worst day you are still living and breathing and able to take in the beauty this world has to offer. Yes there is a lot of ugly in this world as well, but the beauty is what we should focus on. Live each day like this and you will live on when it is all over. Appreciate all that you have in your life and work towards what you don't. 

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