What Could You Be Doing Better?
Today's post is going to be a little different from the others. In general it is pretty easy for people to go on and talk about all the things they are doing right. One example would be if someone has fitness goals they are working towards. It is simple to talk about the fact that they are meal prepping and going to the gym. All those small steps are wonderful but what about the areas that need improvement? We all do it. We all only display the things we are doing great for the world to see. We never go online and type up a status admitting to the chocolate bar we ate in secret when we are suppose to be eating healthy. I wanted to take this post to talk about some of the things I could be doing better.
Sugar is and always has been my downfall when it comes to food. When I did Whole30 a few months ago the sugar detox my body went through was unreal. That helped for a while but I just didn't let those habits stick. Halloween candy came, followed by Thanksgiving pies, then Christmas cookies and so on. I have cut back tremendously on the sugar I put in my coffee but I still put some in there on most days. I have cut it from my diet in a lot of ways but I still enjoy the cheat ice cream or chocolate from time to time. I know I need to eat less sugar. I am actually doing another Whole30 for lent this year so it will be nice to reset this once again.
The second thing I know I need to improve on is my workout schedule. Now in some ways that is pretty harsh. I am still going to the gym quite a bit and keeping up with my cardio, weight training, and personal training sessions. I go a lot more than I used to by far but I am not always sticking to my schedule the way I want to be. I sometimes skip the gym still and sometimes just completely lack the motivation to go. I think that is pretty normal. I want to keep working on this though and really stick to the 4 day a week schedule I have for myself. I would love to even up the to 5 days a week in the future. No excuses on why I don't want to go. I definitely could use more work in this area.
The last thing I want to mention that needs work is my water intake. Now if you really know me you know I am pretty strict about getting in 80 oz a day at least. I have mentioned before the bottle I have at work that I refill a certain number of times a day. In that regard I am doing great with my hydration goals. The weekends, however, are my biggest downfall. Sometimes I hardly drink half the amount of water I am suppose to on weekends. I think that comes down to the fact that I am a very structured person when it comes to my weekdays. I know that at work I need to drink 4 of my bottles to get to my goal. There are too many distractions on the weekends that it is easy for me to let this priority slip a bit.
Those are three of the things I am doing that need some work and I could be doing better. In this case they all had to do with fitness goals, but they absolutely do not need to be. Putting them out there like this and recognizing the problem is a good step. Realize where the problem is, then you can proceed to the solution. I want you to do the same. I am sure there is something you can think of that could use some improvement in your life. Something you might be doing wrong. If it is preventing you from reaching a goal in your life admit it and move forward. Do that and you just might start to reach your goals a bit faster.