Offering Support

by - April 14, 2019

I have been in an incredibly good mood and extremely motivated the past few weeks. I figured when things picked up at work this would have died down a bit, but that has not been the case. A pretty big part of that is from having support. I have family, friends, coworkers, etc. that have offered support in my life in one way or another and that is a great feeling. There is no better feeling than when someone tells you they notice your hard work and to keep it up. In my case I am mainly referring to getting healthy, but this can go for any part of life. In my earlier blogging days I wrote an entire post about the people in my life at the time that were huge support systems. We are talking back in 2014, one of my very first posts (if you are curious you can find it here). That post had a different spin to what I want to talk about today. Instead of recognizing who supports you the most in your life, think about supporting someone else. My first example is going to be with working out and eating right. I by no means am an expert on these topics but I know what has been working for me and what I have been doing. When I can and if I see fit I love to offer little tips and tricks that work for me. Essentially that is exactly what I do with this blog. As long as you have the right approach doing so, supporting someone through a health journey is great! To expand a bit, a great example would be offering workout ideas to someone. An even better way would be to have them tag along to the gym with you if you have a guest pass. I know when I first started working out the thought of going alone was terrifying. I love going on my own now but if it wasn't for my friend Stephanie, I probably never would have joined. Starting out is intimidating and most people do not know where to start. Having someone there to guide them makes it less scary. If food is a struggle for them you can easily support them as well. Offer you go to a restaurant with healthier options or even cook a healthy meal together instead of take-out. Share experiences with foods that you have had and even make recipe suggestions. As long at the other person has show initiative and wants your support, small suggestions and ideas can go a long way. Support is also great for any big changes in someone's life. A new job, a new relationship, a big financial decision, (etc.).  Usually anyone is going to need support with these types of events in their life. Sometimes you might not always agree with them. What is important to remember is that you can support them even if you do not agree. Maybe someone in your life has started a new relationship with a partner you are not sure is right for them. To put it bluntly that is not your decision to make. In my opinion your best option is going to be to voice your concerns in a careful way but then also let them know you are still there for them. The last thing you want to do is give them an ultimatum. That is in no way a form of support. Offer your support to the ones you love in any way that you can. I am betting it means a lot to them. You don't always need to agree with their decisions, but I am sure it is nice to know that someone is there for them no matter what. Think about how you feel in similar situations. Maybe the ones around you don't always agree with what you have done or decided, but knowing there is someone there for you either way the wind blows is a great feeling. The best types of relationships in life are the ones where you can tell each other anything. You can tell them your decisions and circumstances and they are still by your side. If things are rough they are offering support and advice to help you get out of that hole. If things are great they are standing there smiling with you. Be that person for someone you love.

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