Quality over Quantity

by - September 08, 2019

Well here we are on another Sunday! Is it just me or is time flying by? It feels like it was just Christmas and here we are with Christmas 2019 only a few months away. Once September hits we are pretty much busy until the end of the year but I love it. With all the holidays and events that come along with them, it always gets me thinking about the things in my life. With every passing year that changes a bit. Sometimes greatly and sometimes it is just a little bit. With each passing year we suffer losses and gains. It is incredibly important to sit back and think about that at some point every year. I am sure that will be revisited in my end of the year post. When you do consider these things, I want you to remember quality over quantity.

Think back to being a teenager. So many of us (if not all at some point) would worry so much about the number of friends we had back then. We would see large groups of friends and envy them, or we would have a large group of people we always hung out with. You somewhat equated your worth with the number of people you hung out with. But if you are in your late 20s and up like me I am betting a lot of those friends fell out of touch. It is just part of life. Much like the changing seasons our lives also go through changes. I have some people from when I was a teenager I am still friends with. Most of those are friends I only see a few times a year and don't talk to as much as I once did. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and it is something that just comes along with growing older. A good number of people from high school I lost touch with completely. I do have a few really good friends that are more like sisters to me too. 

Think about the people in your life. Which ones are there for you and will constantly be there for you? Which ones do you keep in touch with more out of an obligation? I have talked many times about cutting ties with toxic people in your life, and I stand by that. If someone does not deserve to be in you life then they shouldn't be. This is exactly where quality over quantity comes in. I would so much rather have my few closest friends rather than putting on a fake face to have a large group of friends in my life for show. The quality of the friend is so much more important. Someone you love as family as well as your actual family are all you need. Life is too short to spend it with people who you don't truly feel are worth your time. I stand by what I have said in a previous post. I feel right now that every single person in my life at the moment belongs here. Not long ago I cut some people from my life, and I never looked back for even a second. 

To go further into details with the quality over quantity I think food is an awesome example too. When eating healthy so many people and influencers talk about the quality of our food. A perfect example would be a salad. What choice do you think would be the wiser option? A huge salad bowl filled with a ton of greens and some other various vegetables or a modest sized salad including greens, grilled chicken, avocado, crunchy vegetables, and a healthy vinaigrette? Naturally the big salad looks appealing because of its size. Your first reaction would be to choose that thinking it will fill you up longer. The second salad, however, is going to be a wiser option. It will include your veggies, but you'll also get a nice helping of the fats, protein, and some carbs you will need to stay full and satisfied. Another great example is a frozen "lean" meal verses a nice home cooked meal. Sure the frozen meal is going to be low in calories, but the nutrition is not going to compare to a nice plate of steamed veggies and a lean protein. You could likely eat two frozen meals for the same amount of calories as the home cooked meal but what are you truly getting from that? Being healthier is all about being smart with your food choices. Quality over quantity is definitely going to be something to keep in mind.

If you need another hypothetical example to get the point across there are honestly so many. Would you rather have three cups of crappy coffee or one really good cup that you will truly enjoy? Would you rather spend your money on five new shirts that will start to fall apart after one or two washes or invest the money in one well made shirt? When it comes to most things in life, I would pick the option that has the most quality. I have absolutely no problem with having far fewer friends than I did back as a teenager because that just leaves more time for the true friends. I don't always make the right choices with food, but I am much wiser with that now as well. I would much rather have a nice home cooked meal and do my lunch meal prep over grabbing take out that will only leave me sluggish and then hungry again in an hour or so. Chose to fill your life with as much quality as possible. You will thank yourself for it later!

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