Seasons of Life

by - September 15, 2019

I have been having an incredibly good week. There is no particular reason for that. Work is going well but about the same, the gym is going about the same too. I was down around two lbs for my weigh-in this week so that was pretty exciting. It may be because Fall is almost here and if you follow my twitter for this blog (@PWeightless) you will know I am psyched! So maybe the changes in the air are putting me in a good mood. Just because I have been in a good mood lately, doesn't mean that everyone else around me is though. That is partially what I wanted to talk about today. That life always goes in seasons. I actually had someone in my life this past week who was having a much more difficult week than I was. That is how life goes. We cannot all be feeling the exact same way all the time. To be quite honest I feel like life would be boring and annoying to interreact with others if that was the case. The most important thing is to be respectful of what others are going through. If someone is going through a really hard time, it might not be best to go on and on about the amazing week you had. Sometimes when someone is going through a negative event in their life, we need to put our feelings and emotions aside to just be there. I would much rather be there for a friend or loved one when they are emotional, depressed, sad, etc. and put my good news on hold. You can always put that away in your pocket and bring it back out when things get better. The most important thing to remember is that we all have different emotions at times. With that being said it is also important to remember that our lives have highs and lows. Just because I am feeling happy and content with life right now does not mean I will always feel this way. Let's be honest I am an incredibly emotional person to begin with. I, of course, am not happy 100% of the time, despite the positive attitude I portray here and have most days in my life. You are not a failure for having emotions other than happy all the time. If you are a mother or father or overall just the "head" of a household where you need to be on top of your game it is also okay for you to get sad. That is one of the most consistent things in life: the inconsistency. Just because something is sunshine one day does not mean that it will not change the next morning. Life is so incredibly unpredictable. The most important part is getting through them and realizing that you don't need to do it alone. A while ago on a TV show or YouTube video someone mentioned that our lives go in seasons (I cannot remember where I heard it so if you know let me know so I can give credit.) Much like the weather changes every few months, so do our lives. You have to get through the cold and bitter winter in order to enjoy the beauty of new life in the spring. If we didn't get through the hottest most miserable days in summer, then the fall's crisp air would never come. Think of life the exact same way. We have ups and we have downs. If we had nothing but ups all the time and no downs would we ever truly appreciate the ups for what they are? In some ways the pain and sadness we endure make the reward that much sweeter. I am not a mother but so many I know have said that labor and delivery were some of the hardest and most painful moments in their life. Every single one of them says that once they hold their new baby in their arms for the first time that goes away. We have to deal with pain in our life to appreciate the good for what it is. The downs in life are a pretty big part of what shapes us into whom we are. So overall what is the biggest point I am trying to make here? Embrace all the seasons throughout your life and remember that we all cycle through them differently. Just because I am happily sipping my coffee with pumpkin spiced creamer in it right now does not mean someone close to me isn't trying to crawl their way through a blizzard. Everyone is entitled to their feelings, and they are always valid no matter what. It is important though to remember that someone else may need your support first before you share it. I am not saying to never share any good news at all. People that truly love you will be happy about that news, no matter their situation. I am saying to maybe hold onto your emotions and situations for a moment because someone needs you to be their shoulder to cry on even more. If you are someone that is suffering your way through winter, I want you to always remember, spring is just around the corner. Pull your coat on tighter, cover your face from the snow, and press on. Beautiful things are just ahead of you.

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