I cannot believe another Sunday is here, these weeks are just flying by at this point! Then again once the "ber" months hit, the rest of the year just seems to completely fly by in my opinion. So what is on the agenda to talk about today? I will admit that I have been a little uninspired a but lately as far as writing goes. Since life is so different than normal right now even still, I have just been lacking in new ideas a bit, but that's okay! Writer's block hits all of us at some point or another and I am of course no exception to that. Sometimes when that happens I like to take something small and grow my idea from that. I figured why not talk about that today!
Life is all about the small things we come across. If you think about it, pretty much everything in life starts out as a small thing and then grows and expands into something different. We all started off as tiny microscopic organisms that eventually grew into a baby to child to the adult we are today. Even all the big companies we know and likely purchase from today started off as an idea and grew from there. If you plant a garden you either start from a seed or a seedling and they grow and produce new life from there. If you really sit down and think about it, life is all about small things that grow into bigger things... and making changes in our life is really no different than that!
Let's talk about the obvious example here, and one I have talked about before. If you are aiming for a healthier lifestyle, it is all about making small changes! If you never exercise, aim to just do something active once or twice a week at first and grow from there! Just as I talked about in a post a few weeks ago about making adjustments, all of these big life changes have to start somewhere. If you want to clean up your diet start by adding more vegetables to your meals, cut the amount of sugar in your coffee, and substitute that soda you drink with lunch with a flavored sparkling water or even just plain water. My main problem in the past was that I went way too hard with weight loss way too fast and that only set me up for failure. There is nothing wrong with baby steps as they lead us to make life long changes rather than just looking for a quick fix.
The same can be said about really anything in life. Take my writing for example. As I mentioned, if I am having some writer's block I usually take a small idea a build from there. This morning I contemplating just skipping an entry this week but instead I chose a small idea and built off of it, and look at where I am, more than halfway through a blog post right now as I type these very words. I think a lot of the time we are our own worst enemy in these cases. Sure it would have been easy to just skip writing and moved on with my day, but instead I pushed myself to keep going and the results were great! That can be said really with most aspects in life. Push yourself to make these small changes! Push yourself to keep going on them and they will snowball into bigger results!
Get some work done on that big intimidating work project you have. Have an apple after lunch instead of a cookie. Go for a walk instead of lounging around after work and you just may be running a 5k in a few years! You truly never know what you are capable of until you get up and try. Stop trying to take the easy way out and push yourself a bit more each and every day and before you know it you just may have the results you are looking for. Trust me, I know it is hard. I myself need to remember this advice on some days, as it is so much easier to just go home and put your pajamas on after a long day rather than go to the gym and go a full body workout. No one is perfect, and we will all still have those days, but it is all about those little pushes in between to get us where we want to go!